Inexpensive Ancient Greek Coins for Sale
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Ancient Greece. Amphipolis, Macedon, c. 410-358 BC. Small bronze AE12 coin. Laureate head of Apollo right / Race torch, A-M-Φ-I around. Just 11.6 mm, 1.21 g. ref: SNG Copenhagen 48; BMC 11; SNG ANS 888-93 for type. Fine. Ex New Jersey collection. #CG2674: $99 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Pella, Macedon, c. 187-31 BC. Bronze AE18 coin. Laureate head of Apollo right / Lyre, ΠEΛ-ΛHΣ around. 16.3 mm, 6.53 g. ref: SNG Copenhagen 263; Lindgren II 1100 for type. Fine. Scarce. Ex New Jersey collection. #CG2675: $99 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Lydia, Sardes, c. 133 BC-14 AD. Small bronze AE15 coin. Laureate head of Apollo right / ΣAPΔI-ANΩN, club within oak wreath, monogram. 14.5 mm, 2.89 g. ref: cf. SNG Cop 470; cf. SNG von Aulock 3125 for type. VF, red patina, minor roughness. Ex New Jersey collection. #CG2756: $125

Ancient Greece, Lycian League. Time of Augustus Caesar. Large bronze AE23 coin struck 23-19 BC. ΛY, laureate head of Apollo right / MA, cithara within wreath. 22.5 mm, 7.29 g. ref: Troxell 202; RPC I 3321c for type. VF, green patina. Ex New Jersey collection. MUCH nicer than photo allows! #CG2757: $150

Ancient Greece. Kyme, Aiolis, 250-190 BC. Small bronze AE15 coin. Lesbios, Magistrate. Head of the Amazon Kyme right, hair rolled / Forepart of horse right, kylix behind, KY / ΛEΣBIOΣ around. 14.8 mm, 3.03 g. ref: SNG Copenhagen 90; SNG Leipzig 1124; SNG Stockholm 2205 for type. VF, toned bare metal except for light green deposits. Ex New Jersey collection. #CG2704: $125

Ancient Greece. Mesembria, Thrace, 4th century BC. Small bronze AE16 coin. Crested Corinthian helmet, facing / M-E-T-A, legend within four-spoked wheel. 16 mm, 2.87 g. ref: BMC 6; SNG BM Black Sea 272 for type. VF. Ex New Jersey collection #CG2755: $99

Seleucid Kings of Syria. Antiochus III, 223 - 187 BC. Bronze drachm. Head of Antiochus ight / Apollo seated left on omphalos, inscription around (mostly worn in antiquity). 23 mm, 8.01 g. #CG2039x2: $99

Ancient Greece. Pontos, Amisos, 120-63 BC. Bronze drachm. Aegis with head of gorgoneion in center / Nike advancing right, holding palm, AMI-SOU across. Monograms ME-So across fields. ref: SNG BMC Black Sea 1183. 22 mm, 6.32 g. #CG2016: $125

Ancient Greece. Kyme, Aeolis, 350-250 BC. Bronze AE17 coin. Magistrate Eubios. Forepart of horse right, KY-EYBIOS / One-handled drinking cup, KIYB monogram to left. 17 mm, 3.66 g. ref: SNG Cop. 77; BMC 45. Excellent detail, great coppery patina. Much nicer than photo! #CG2241: $85

Ancient Greece. Ephesus, Ionia, c. 202-183 BC. Bronze drachm. Stag standing rt., palm behind / Bee. 18 mm, 4.06 g. ref: BMC134. Nice patina. Stag very clear, bee a bit worn. #25186: $99

Ancient Greece. Kardia, Thrace, c. 350 BC. Small bronze AE13. Head of Demeter right, wearing wreath of corn-ears / Grain of barley, KAPDIA. cf. Moushmov, Plate XXXIII-13. 13 mm, 2.18 g. Nice brassy tone. #CG2295: $65 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Abdera, Thrace, 400-350 BC. Small bronze AE12 coin. Magistrate Ermo. Griffin crouching right, ERMO below / ABD-HRI-TE-WN around the four sides of a linear square with the head of Apollo right. AMNG II, 2317; BMC 81. 12 mm, 3.67 grams and thick! #CG2298: $65

Ancient Greece. Pontos, c. 130-100 BC. Bronze AE15. Male head right, wearing bashlyk, bow behind / Seven-pointed star (or comet). 15 mm, 3.66 g. Cf. SNG BM Black Sea 977-9; HGC 7, 312 var. #CG2294: $99

Ancient Greece. Bruttium, Brettian league. The Brettii, c. 211-208 BC. Bronze Reduced Semuncia. Winged bust of Nike right; crab-shaped banker's mark above / Zeus driving galloping biga right; grape cluster below. ref: SNG ANS 112; Rutter, HN 1989v. 16 mm, 2.76 g. #CG2296: $45

Ancient Greece. Pontos, Amaseia, 2nd-1st century BC. Bronze AE17 coin. Bare-headed & draped bust of Perseus right / Cornucopiae between caps of the Dioskouroi, AMAS-SEIAS across. 17 mm, 4.29 g. ref: BMC 1362, Sear 3631. Beautiful dark patina with brassy highlights. #CG2300: $150

Ancient Greece. Odessos, Thrace, c. 4th century BC. Bronze AE13 coin. Diademed head of Apollo right / River god reclining left, ODHSITWN below; D above. ref: AMNG 2183. 13 mm, 2.85 g. and thick! Black patina, great detail. Much better than photo! #CG2301: $75

Ancient Greece. Kyme, Aeolis, c. 450 BC. TINY silver Hemiobol. Eagle's head left, KY to left / Quadrapartite incuse square. ref: SNG Cop 32. Just 7 mm, 0.33 grams! ex-old Los Angeles, CA collection. #CG2313: $99

Ancient Greece. Kyme, Aeolis, 250-190 BC. Bronze AE15 coin. Head of Amazon right /Forepart of horse right, one-handled cup behind, KY-LESBIOS. 15.4 mm, 2.23 g. ref: SNG Cop 90; SNG Stockholm 2205; SNG Leipzig 1124. Black patina. Much nicer photo! (Extremely difficult to photograph). #CG2207: $65

Ancient Greece. Kallatis, Thrace, 2-3rd century AD. Bronze AE20 coin. Bearded head of Herakles left, KTICTHC / Kybele seated left, holding patera and resting left elbow on drum, KALLATIANWN (read from top right). ref: AMNG 293; Ruzicka 295b. 20 mm, 3.61 g. Dark olive-green patina. #CG2308: $65

Ancient Greece. Odessos, Thrace, c. 270-250 BC. Bronze AE15 coin. Laureate head of Apollo right / River god reclining left on plinth inscribed ODHSITWN, holding patera in right hand, cornucopiae in left, inverted amphora in left field, monogram above. ref: SNG BMC 294, SNG Cop 669, Moushmov 1529, Sear GCV 1680. 15 mm, 3.00 g. Olive-green patina. #CG2042: $65 SOLD

SPECIAL - $10 Ancient Greek Bronze Coins
c. 4th-1st Century BC. Small and well-worn ancient Greek coins from various areas of the Greek world. Each with some visible detail, some with light earthen deposits. Average size 12 to 19 mm (7/16" to 3/4"). Representative examples shown. Comes with basic attribution. ex-Palmdale, CA collection, collected in the 1950's. #CG2291G: $10 each (minimum 5)

SPECIAL - $25 Ancient Greek Bronze Coins
c. 4th-1st Century BC. Worn ancient Greek coins from various areas of the Greek world. Each with better detail, some larger ones than in the $10 group at left. Average size 15 to 24 mm (9/16" to 15/16"). Representative examples shown. Comes with basic attribution. ex-Palmdale, CA collection, collected in the 1950's. #CG2292G: $25 each

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Owned, Operated, and Obsessed Upon by Gabriel Vandervort.
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Syracuse, Greek Sicily. Time of Hiketas, 289-288 BC. Bronze coin. Laureate, beardless bust of Zeus Hellanios right / Eagle standing upon thunder-bolt, wings open, SYPAKOSIWN. 23 mm, great emerald-green patina and sharp details. ref: Sear 1211, BMC 468. #0484: $95 SOLD

Euboia, Chalkis. c. 290 - 271 BC. AE-12. Facing bust of Hera wearing diadem. / Eagle with a snake in it's talons. 12 mm, 1.82g. ref: BCD 218. Nice black patina. #mtp382: $29

Sicily, Syracuse, Ancient Greece. 3rd century BC. Nice bronze obol. Head of Zeus rt, wearing low cap and beard / Goddess standing to left, holding long staff. Greek inscription "SYPAK..." around (SYRAC...). chunky 20 mm diameter. #279002: $45

Ancient Greece. Pella, Macedon, 2nd-1st century BC. Bronze 21mm coin. Helmeted head of Athena rt / Nike riding in biga (2-horse chariot) rt, stalk of grain and "PELLHS" below. #mtp325: $29 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Bruttium, Lokroi Epizephioi, 300-268 BC. Large bronze AE27 coin. Laureate, bearded bust of Zeus left / Eagle standing upon thunder-bolt, wings spread, cornucopia to left. "LOKPWN" around. 27 mm, 11.67 g. A large and absolutely gorgeous coin! #74116: $150 SOLD

Magnificent large Greek bronze coin. Greek Italy, Lokroi Epizephyrioi, 300-268 BC. AE-27. Head of Athena rt. in crested Corinthian helmet, LEY behind / Persephone enthroned left, holding phiale & sceptre surmounted by poppy-head. LOKPWN, two stars in upper field, before and behind. ref: sear666. Amazing emerald-green patina. A striking, large coin! #gr2b: $150 SOLD

Carthage, Zeugitana, 220-205 BC. Nice bronze AE18. Bust of Tanit left, wearing jewelry and hair up / Horse standing rt., tall date-palm tree behind. Amazing coin with sharp detail and nice patina. #0828: $199 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Maroneia, Thrace, 400-350 BC. Bronze coin. Horse prancing right, monogram below / MAR WNI TWN around three sides of linear square containing vines, YE monogram below. 15 mm. ref: sg1636. #5276: $99

Ancient Greece. Thessalian League, 196-146 BC. Bronze 17 mm coin. Helmeted head of Athena rt / Horse prancing rt, THESSALWN below. 6.20 g. Lovely coin in-hand! #mtp304: $60 SOLD

The Kingdom of Macedon, Kassander, c. 306-297 BC. AE-18. Head of Herakles rt. wearing lionskin. / BASILEWS KASSANDPOY, above & below youth on horse rt., grape leaf below. SNG Cop 1151. 18 mm, 5.62 g. Nice brown patina. #mtp523: $49 SOLD

Seleucid Kings. Antiochos V. #0814

Sicily, Syracuse, c. 395 BC. Huge bronze drachm. Head of Athena left, wearing Corinthian helmet, olie-wreath around / Sea-star between two dolphins. 31.28 mm, 29.8 g. ref: SNG ANS 454ff, Calciati #62. Outstanding example! #1301: $150
Ancient Greece. Thessaly, Larissa, 400 - 344 BC. Beautiful bronze drachm. Head of a nymph right, hair wreathed in ivy / Horse grazing left, LAR-ISEWN above. Lovely golden patina. 14.5 mm, 2.08 g. A mini masterpiece! #860601: $135 SOLD

Ancient Greece, Chalkis, Euboia. 340-330 BC. Bronze 15mm coin. Head of Hera rt. with hair rolled / Horse grazing rt. #0769: $35 SOLD
Ancient Greece. Bruttium, Lokroi Epizephyrioi. 281-272 BC. Time of Pyrrhos. Bronze coin, helmeted bust of Athena left / Pegasus springing to left. 22 mm, 8.05 g. ref: SNG ANS575. Pegasus. #215: $125 SOLD

Seleucid kingdom of Syria. Greek period. Apamea, Seleukis ad Pieria, mid-late 1st century BC. Bronze AE21. Helmeted bust of Athena rt. / Nike advancing L holding wreath. Greek inscription APAMAEON EIPAS KAI AYTONOMON. 21 mm, 8.32 g. ref: RPC 4338v. #27913: $95

Ancient Greece. Pitane, Mysia, 1st century BC. Small bronze coin. Head of Zeus-Ammon rt, with ram's horn / Pentagram (star). Very cool little piece. Blurry photo. Only 10 mm (3/8") diameter! #1308: $75 SOLD

Thrace, Maroneia. 2nd - 1st Century BC. AE-20. Head of Dionysos rt., wreathed with ivy. / Dionysos standing lt., holding grapes and 2 stalks of narthex. 6.01g, 20mm. Moushmov 3942. aVF. Gorgeous coin! Nice green patina. #mtp543: $99

Seleucid Kingdom. Alexander I Balas, 152-144 BC. Bronze AE23. Bust of Alexander I in Crested helmet / Nike standing left, crowning king's name, upside-down anchor, BASILEWS ALEXANDPOY. Beautiful black tone with desert-sand patina! #0778: $95 Sold?

Pontos, Amisos. Time of Mithradates VI, 85-56 BC. Beautiful bronze AE22.Aegis with Gorgon's head at center / Nike advancing rt. holding long palm branch, AMI-SOY with monograms around. Radiant golden patina! #0934: $95 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Euboia, Chalkis, c. 338-308 BC. Silver Drachm. Head of a nymph right / XAL, Eagle flying right, carrying serpent in talons, caduceus below. 17 mm, 3.39 g. ref: BMC 33. #CG2012: $99 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Euboia, Chalkis, c. 338-308 BC. Silver Drachm. Head of a nymph right / XAL, Eagle flying right, carrying serpent in talons, caduceus below. 17 mm, 3.14 g. ref: BMC 33. #CG2011: $125 SOLD

Ancient Greece, under Roman rule. Koinon, Macedonia, 3rd Century AD. Helmeted head of Alexander the Great right, ALEXANDROU before / KOINON MAKEDONWN B NEW, snake emerging from basket with open lid. 27 mm, great copper tone! #mtp306x2: $125 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Euboia, Chalkis, c. 338-308 BC. Silver Drachm, set in custom silver bezel. Head of a nymph right / Eagle flying right, carrying serpent in talons, caduceus below, LAX. 18 mm dia. reference: BMC 33. #JN2030: $225

Ancient Greece. Pentagram/Pentacle coin! Mysia, Pitane. 4th-3rd century BC. Bronze AE18 coin. Horned head of Zeus Ammon facing three-quarters to right / Pentagram, PITANAIWN. 18.2 mm, 3.20 g. ref: BMC 13; SNG Cop 536. Fine. #CG2176: $199 SOLD

Ephesus, ancient Greece, c. 2nd-1st century BC. Excellent small lead token depicting Ephesian Artemis. Likely an ancient theater token! 14 mm, 1.72 g. ex-Santa Barbara County, CA private collection. #AG2087: $225 SOLD

Phoenicia, Tyre. 113-112 BC. Bronze AE16. Turreted head of Tyche right / Astarte standing left on galley, date across, TY monogram of Tyre to left, Phoenician inscription below. ref: BMC 248, Sear 5922v. 16 mm, 2.73 g. ex-Colosseum Coin Exchange. Gorgeous patina, excellent detail! #CG2077: $225 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Lesbos, Koinon. Billon (silver) 1/8th Stater, struck c. 500-450 BC. Confronted boars’ heads / Quadripartite incuse square. 10.5 mm, 2.00 g. ref: Rosen 524, SNG Fitzwilliam 4368v. Rare! #CG2344: $99 SOLD

Cimmerian Bosporos, Pantikapaion. c. 4th-3rd Century BC. Beautiful bronze AE18 coin. Head of bearded Pan left / Head of bull left, P-A-N around. 18.18 mm, 4.98 g. ref: SNG BM Black Sea 890-892. VF. Ex CNG. Smooth olive-green to brown patina. Gorgeous detail! As nice as these come. I seriously considered keeping this one for my own collection! #CG2415: $175 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Pantikapaion, Tauric Chersonesos. Bronze AE17 coin, c. 325-310 BC. Head of Pan left, wreathed with ivy / Head of bull left, P-A-N around. 17 mm, 5.10 g. ref: SNG BM 890. Gorgeous coin! Lovely dark brassy patina. #CG2307: $125 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Pontos, Amisos, 120-63 BC. Bronze AE-21 coin. Head of young Ares right / Sword in sheath with strap, AMI-SOY. ref: SNG BMC 1158. 21 mm, 8.05 g. Brassy patina. #CG2310: $99 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Campania, Cales. c. 300-275 BC. Bronze drachm. Laureate head of Apollo left, CALENO / Man-headed bull walking right, lyre above, CALENO. 21.1 mm, 7.85 g. ref: SNG France 448; HN Italy 436. Fine, nice olive-green patina. Ex Los Angeles collection, purchased in the 1950's-60's. Nicer than photo! #CG2266: $60 SOLD

Ancient Greek. Syracuse, Sicily, 357-344 BC. Bronze AE19 Litra, set into stunning custom .925 silver bezel. Dolphin leaping right over a scallop shell, ΣYΡA between / Female head left, hair in sphendone, spray of olive leaves behind. 25mm diameter, weighs 9.72 grams (total). ref: Sear SG 1187; Calciati 124; Magna Graecia 38. Dark coppery tone. Coin ex-Frank S. Robinson, Albany, NY. #CG2458: $275 SOLD

Ancient Greek. Syracuse, Sicily, 317-289 BC. Bronze AE18 Litra, set into stunning custom .925 silver bezel. Pegasus flying left, letter below / Laureate head of Apollo left. 25mm diameter, weighs 9.44 grams (total). ref: Sear SG 1199. Dark olive-green patina. Coin ex-Frank S. Robinson, Albany, NY. Nice Pegasus! Better than photo. #CG2457: $275 SOLD

Philip V of Macedonia, 220-179 BC. Bronze drachm. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Horseman right, raising right arm in greeting, on horse prancing right. NL-E and star below. 17 mm, 5.48 g. #CG2019: $99 SOLD

Pentagram! Ancient Greece. Pitane, Mysia, 4th-3rd century BC. Small bronze coin. Head of Zeus-Ammon right / Pentagram. 16mm, 3.75 g. ref: SNG Arikantürk 1046; SNG BN 2346-8 for type. Dark green-brown patina. VF. From the Sigmund Collection. Ex CNG. #CG2685: $225 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Pella, Macedon, c. 187-31 BC. Bronze AE18 coin. Laureate head of Apollo right / Lyre, ΠEΛ-ΛHΣ around. 16.3 mm, 6.53 g. ref: SNG Copenhagen 263; Lindgren II 1100 for type. Fine. Scarce. Ex New Jersey collection. #CG2675: $99 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Rhodes, 350-300 BC. Bronze coin. Diademed head of the sun god Helios right / Rose, P – O across fields. ref: SGCV 5073. 11mm, 1.37g. Nice green patina. #CG2287: $75 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Pontos, Amisos, c. 120-63 BC. Bronze 22mm coin. Helmeted head of Mars rt. / Sword in sheath, AMI-SOY. 7.93 grams. ref: SNGBMC 1148. #27912: $150

Seleucid Empire. Antiochos I Soter, 280-261 BC. Head of Athena facing, in triple-crested helmet / Nike standing left, holding wreath & palm, BASILEWS ANTIOXOY.15 mm. ref: Sear6883. #0799: $45 SOLD

Ephesus, ancient Greece. #0819 Sold?

Seleucid Kingdom. Demetrios II, 183-129 BC. Beautiful bronze AE18, Tyre mint in Phoenicia. Diademed head of Demetrios rt. / Stern of galley, BASILEWS DHMHTPIOY TYPIWN, Phoenician script below. A gem! #0806: $165 SOLD

Seleucid Kingdom, ancient Greek Syria. Antiochus IV Epiphanes, 175-164 BC. Bronze drachm. Radiate bust of Antiochus rt. / Eagle standing on thunder-bolt rt., Greek inscription around. 20.5 mm, 9.01 g and very thick! Glossy black patina. ref: Sear 6987. #mlv083x2: $99 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Mesembria, Thrace, c. 351-323 BC. Bronze hemidrachm. Crested helmet facing / META within quarters of wheel with four spokes. 15 mm, 2.5 g. ref: Topalov, Messambria 10; SNG BM Black Sea 275; SNG Copenhagen 654-5. Nice green patina. #99199: $99 SOLD

Kingdom of Cappadocia, Ariobarzanes I, 95-63 BC. Silver drachm. His diademed youthful head right / Athena standing left holding Nike, resting hand on sheild to right, BASILEWS APIOBAPZANOY FILORWMAIOY. M and E in field. 18 mm, 4.13 g. ref: sg7300. #CG2007: $99 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Aegean Islands. Bithynia, Kios, c. 330-300 BC. Bronze hemidrachm. Head of Mithras right, with laurel wreath / Kantharos (Greek pot) with emerging grapes and vine, K-I to sides. 11 mm, 1.35 g. ref: RG p 314-8, Lin II.1465. A lovely little coin! #CG2014: $99 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Abdera, Thrace, c. 345-323 BC. Bronze hemidrachm. Gryphon (griffin) crouching rt., upon club of Herakles / Diademed head of Apollo, ABD HPI TEON. 17 mm, 3.02 g. ref: SNG Cop 374v., Strack 216. Great green patina with earthen highlights. #CG2023: $85 SOLD

Ancient Troy! Troas, Ilion, c. 3rd century BC. Bronze drachm. Head of Athena right, in crested Corinthian helmet / Athena Inias standing left, holding spear and distaff, ILI behind. ref: CGV 4105, BMC 17, 57.6. 18 mm, 5.46 g. Rare! #CG2010: $175 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Sinope, Paphlagonia, c. 85-65 BC. Bronze drachm. Aegis with head of gorgoneion in center / Nike advancing right, holding palm, SIN-OP across. 20 mm, 6.75 g. ref: SNGCop 309v. Great detail, nice patina. #CG2018: $135 SOLD

Cilicia, Soloi. c. 100-30 BC. Bronze AE12 coin. Helmeted head of Athena right / Bunch of wine grapes on a vine, EO-DWT. 12.3 mm, 1.93 g. ref: SNG France 1187; cf. SNG Levante 856. aVF, brassy tone, sime pitting. Nice grapes! #CG2334: $125 SOLD

Phoenicia, Byblos. King Adramalek, c 4th Century BC. Silver 1/8 Shekel. Galley left with two hoplites; hippocamp below / Lion left, attacking a bull, Phoenician script around. ref: BMC 10, SG 6010. Tiny 9 mm, 0.35 grams! ex-Malter Galleries, Encino, CA. #CG2078: $99 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Parion, Mysia, 480 BC! Silver hemidrachm. Gorgon head with protruding tongue / Cruciform incuse with pellet in center. 13 mm and thick! ref: sear 3918. #0411: $45 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Ionia, Miletos. C. 500 BC. Tiny silver Diobol. Head of a roaring lion left / Stellate pattern. Just 8.8 mm, 1.0 g. ref: SNG von Aulock 2082v. #CG2277: $50 SOLD

Syracuse, Sicily. Hieron II of Syracuse, 275-215 BC. Fantastic bronze AE20 coin. Head of Poseidon left, hair bound in a taenia / Ornamented trident, IEΡ-ΩNOΣ around. 20mm, 6.78 g. ref: BMC 612; Calciati 194; cf Sear 1223. Ex-Frank S. Robinson, Albany, NY. #CG2438: $300 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Pella, Macedon, 187-31 BC. Bronze AE14 coin. Laureate head of Apollo right / Tripod, "A" monogram above, PELL-LHS. ref: SNG ANS 590 ff.; SNG Copenhagen 264. 14 mm, 3.56 g. Nice olive-green patina. #CG2311: $45 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Bruttium, Brettian league. The Brettii, c. 211-208 BC. Bronze Reduced Semuncia. Winged bust of Nike right; thunderbolt below / Zeus driving galloping biga right; grape cluster below. ref: SNG ANS 112; Rutter, HN 1989v. 16 mm, 3.36 g. Nice detail, olive-green patina. #CR2043: $110 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Pontos, Amisos. Time of Mithradates VI, c. 120-63 BC. Great bronze AE-20 coin. Helmeted head of Ares right / Sword in sheath, star in crescent at upper left, IB at upper right, ΡΠMK monogram at lower left, AMI-ΣOY across fields. ref: Malloy 32b. 20mm, 8.68 grams and very thick! Great olive-green to deep coppery tone. #CG2480: $99 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Mysia, Pergamon. Philetairos, King of Pergamon
c. 282-263 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right / Ivy leaf inn the shape of a heart. FILE-TAIROU. 14 mm, 1.41 g. ref: BMC 60; SNG France 1676-1677; 1679-1681. Perfect heart shape. Men used to give coins as love tokens, and this one would clearly have been perfect! Olive-green patina, light earthen deposits. ex-Gitbud & Naumann numismatics, Germany. #CG2362: $125

Ancient Greece. Pentagram/Pentacle coin!
Mysia, Pitane. 4th-3rd century BC. Great small bronze AE10 coin. Bearded head of Zeus Ammon right / Pentagram, no central dot or letters abbreviating ethnic in interstices. 10.22 mm, 1.20 g. ref: SNG France 2358; BMC 5-10. VF, multi-colored patina (green, tan and red). #CG2429: $150

Ancient Carthage. Zeugitana, 4th-3rd century BC. Bronze drachm. Head of Tanit left, wreathed with corn / Horse right, palm behind. ref: Sear #6444, SNGCop 109, Calciati 20. 16 mm, 3.28 g. ex-Frank S. Robinson collection. #0412017x2: $199 SOLD

Greek Syria, under Roman emperor Nero. Bronze drachm, struck 66-67 AD. Laureate bust of Zeus rt, "ANTIOXOY" to rt. / City goddess seated left, placing vote in voting urn. 18 mm, 4.96 g. Glossy green patina. Ex-Guildcraft 1992. #MLV087: $75

Ancient Greece, Sicily, Syracuse. Hieron II, 275 - 215 BC. Bronze AE-19 coin. 5.72g. Head of Poseidon left / Ornamented trident-head, between two dolphins, dividing his name "IERW-NOS" in Greek. ref: BMC 530, SNG Cop 850. 19 mm, 6.30 g. Nice chocolate-brown patina, excellent detail. #2612: $125 SOLD

Kings of Thrace. Lysimachos, 323-281 BC. Beautiful 19mm bronze coin, struck 306-281 BC. Helmeted head of Athena rt. / BASILEWS LYSIMAXOY above and below lion charging rt. Nice olive-green patina (sorry for the washed-out photo). #0761: $85 SOLD

Pegasus! Pantikapaion, Tauric Chersonese. Bronze tetrachalkon, struck 47-16 BC. Laureate head of Apollo right / Pegasus grazing left, PANTIKA-PAITWN. MacDonald, ref: Macdonald/Bosporus 218. 20 mm, 5.74 g. Great green patina! #GVCG2052: $150 SOLD

Phoenicia, Tyre. 15-16 AD. Bronze drachm. Head of Tyche right, palm-branch behind. / Galley left, with prow terminating in volute and aphlastron at stern. Inscription above. ref: BMC Phoenicia 256.. 20 mm, 5.59 g. #CG2040x2: $150 SOLD

Phoenicia, Tyre. 113-112 BC. Bronze AE16. Turreted head of Tyche right / Astarte standing left on galley, date across, TY monogram of Tyre to left, Phoenician inscription below. ref: BMC 248, Sear 5922v. 16 mm, 2.73 g. ex-Colosseum Coin Exchange. Gorgeous patina, excellent detail! #CG2077: $225 SOLD

Pantikapaion, Tauric Chersonese. Bronze tetrachalkon, struck 310-303 BC. Black Sea Area. Bearded head of satyr Pan right / Forepart of griffin left; below, sturgeon left "PAN" around. 20 mm, 6.52 g. ref: MacDonald 69; Anokhin 111; SNG BM 869-871, sear 1700. #GVCG2053: $125 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Tauric Chersonese. Pantikapaion, c. 310-303 BC. Nice bronze AE21 coin. Head of satyr Pan left / Lion’s lead left with open mouth, “PAN” around, dolphin below. 21 mm, 5.78 g. ref: MacDonald 70, SNG BM Black Sea 883-9. Lovely deep olive-green patina. #PM1070: $125 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Pantikapaion. Tauric Chersonessos. 3rd-2nd century BC. Bronze AE11 coin. Diademed, male head rt. / Bow in quiver; PAN to left. 11 mm; 1.7 g. #V0267: $45 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Aiolis, Kyme. 350-250 B.C. Forepart of horse right, magistrate's name below / Single-handled vase, monogram to left. 17.5 mm, 4.52 g. ref: SNG Cop 76. #CG2320: $125 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Pentagram/Pentacle coin!
Mysia, Pitane. 4th-3rd century BC. Bronze AE18 coin. Bearded head of Zeus Ammon right / Π - Ι - Τ - Α -[N], spelled-out between points of a pentagram. 18.28 mm, 3.95 g. ref: BMC 5-10. near VF, green patina with light pitting. Nicer than photo! #CG2425: $199

Temnos, Ancient Greece, 4th-3rd century BC. Tiny bronze AE11 coin. Bearded, laureate head of Dionysos left / Bunch of wine grapes on vine with leaves, TA to left and right. Tiny 11 mm, 1.26 g. ref: SNG Cop 246, Plant 1850, BMC 1; Winterthur 2851. Great dark olive-green patina. #CG2368: $99 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Sinope, Paphlagonia, c. 85-65 BC. Bronze drachm. Aegis of Medusa / Nike advancing right, holding palm tied with fillet over left shoulder. 20mm, 7.99g. and very thick! ref: SNG BM Black Sea 1536-8. ex-De Pere, WI collection. Impressive in-hand! #CG2520: $150 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Pontos, Amisos, 120-63 BC. Bronze drachm. Aegis with head of gorgoneion in center / Nike advancing right, holding palm, AMI-SOU across. Monograms ME-So across fields. ref: SNG BMC Black Sea 1183. 22 mm, 7.46 g. #CG2017: $99 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Pontos, Amisos, c. 85-65 BC. Bronze drachm. Aegis with Gorgon Medusa / Nike advancing right, holding palm tied with fillet over left shoulder. 22mm, 7.00g. ref: HGC 7, 242. ex-De Pere, WI collection. #CG2519: $125 SOLD

Greek Kings of the Bosporos. Asander, c. 47 - 17 BC. Bronze tetrachalkon, struck c. 47-43 BC. Young male head rt. / Prow of galley left, ARXONTOS ASANDR. ref: SNG BM I, Black Sea, pl. XXXVI, no. 964; Anokhin pl. 9, no. 224; RPC I. 1846. 21 mm, 6.03 g. #GVCG2054: $125 SOLD

Ancient Greek Syria. Seleucia and Pieria. Antioch, under Roman rule, dated year 127 (Caesarean era) = 77-78 AD. Beautiful bronze coin. Turreted bust of Tyche rt., ANTIOXOXION / Garlanded and lighted altar, Greek inscription below. ref: RPC !!-2020, SNG Cop. 112. 19 mm, 5.38 g. Excellent black patina! #424646: SOLD

Ancient Greece. Sinope, Paphlagonia, c. 85-65 BC. Bronze drachm. Aegis of Medusa / Nike advancing right, holding palm. 23mm, 7.54g. ref: SNG BM Black Sea 1536-8. ex-De Pere, WI collection. #CG2517: $125 SOLD